Friday, January 1, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Happy New Year

2009 is over, thank goodness.

Today, we began our vegetarian Maggiano's. Let me tell you how difficult it is to eat a vegetarian meal at a delicious Italian restaurant.

Let me explain something -- we ARE eating seafood, so I guess technically we're pescetarians. Or whatever they are called. For the month.

So I saw on the menu there was lobster fettucine -- no, it's not healthy, per se, but it is our New Year's lunch with Nicole's mom, so I was going to go all out.

Lobster fettucine. Mmmm.

Until I saw that the lobster is sauteed with ham. Argh!

So I went the crab cake route, which were DELICIOUS. Amazing. Sure, I couldn't get my usual chicken marsala, but crab cakes for the New Year? I'll live with that.

So day one is over. Nicole had eggplant parmigiana (which was supposed to be for dinner tomorrow, cough cough), which she said was delicious, as well. I didn't try hers -- too much of my own food to eat.

Day one. Day one. I'm hoping I enjoy this month thoroughly...because I seriously doubt I'll enjoy vegan February.

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