Friday, July 16, 2010

A Long Weekend in Taos

We spent Independence Day weekend in Taos, New Mexico to celebrate Mike and Pajo's wedding -- it was SUCH a lovely event. I've been to Taos before -- always alone -- and I was excited for Nicole to see it for the first time. Honestly, it's my favorite place to be in the West (though driving through Southern Utah is right up there, as well).

We stayed in a WONDERFUL condo in Taos -- the website claimed it was a ten minute walk from the heart of Taos, and of course, we were skeptical. 10 minute walk = 20 minute walk, right? When are these proclamations ever accurate? Well, this one was. It was so refreshing to walk just about everywhere instead of having to drive in to the town every day...we got to look into so many shops, see some artwork, and have New Mexican food (which Nicole did not like...).

As you can see from our shadows, we had headgear of sorts...and as we walked home from that delectable meal, almost every single car honked and/waved and every passerby had to tell us how much they loved our "hats." Nicole and I always thought that it was cleavage that made people take notice; apparently, one just needs a 4th of July headband.

And, of course, Mike's wedding was so perfect. It was quintessentially "Mike." I teared up as he sang a song for their mothers, and as they both vowed to always communicate to each other. During my four years in Colorado, I have been blessed to have a great friend in Mike; Pajo is such a lucky lady. :)

And now number 24 of our list is complete! We want to return next July 4th, as well, and stay in the same condo -- we loved it that much. It's nice to have a "new" place in which to adventure for our future years together. And thank you, Mike and Pajo, for letting us share in your beautiful event!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The End of Vegan Month

It’s March, everyone. That means Vegan Month is over – for Nicole, this is the most wonderful news ever. For me, I feel like it was quite – QUITE – the learning experience. I’m not sure how long my veganism will last, but I would like it to continue on for as long as I can. I’m shooting for six months, frankly, as a minimum.

My learning experiences:
1. When eating vegan – and mostly “real” foods (we really avoided processed foods for the most part) – fake foods lose their luster.

About halfway through the month, Nicole and I went to the movies, and we each got a Coke (okay, Vegan maniacs, there are some people who say Coke is not vegan because Coke – in other countries – tests on animals, and some that say that Coke is vegan for this that and the other…well, I had two Cokes this month. I still considered myself eating a vegan diet). The Coke just…didn’t taste right. So I thought, well, there can be a few explanations for this:

a.) Something is wrong with the Coke – it was from a fountain, and they may have just filled the fountain or the fountain was running out…something to that effect.

b.) Something I ate earlier in the day / at the theater was affecting my taste buds…

c.) Eating a vegan diet had affected my taste buds.

So I waited a week, and then bought a bottled Coke. Same thing – Coke still tasted nasty. And let me tell you, I LOVE Coke. Love it. And this month…it’s just not happening. It’s interesting, actually. I’m currently drinking a Hansen’s soda (Mango Orange…mmmm), and it tastes “right.” I can’t define “right,” only that it has to do with sweetness. It tastes real, whereas Coke didn’t (and, well, it isn’t).

Prior to this month, I would have my coffee with Splenda…not this month. It was the most vile thing I’ve ever had. Oh my heavens, it was awful.

Real foods, people. Who woulda thunk?

2. There are flavors that are absolutely delicious that have been masked, in the past, with dairy/meat products.

When I was growing up, I would put on my spaghetti (or other pasta) parmesan, ricotta, and mozzarella. Yes, three types of cheese. Fat kid, much? Nicole and I went out with Jeanne, Colleen, and Jeanne’s sister early in the month to a pasta restaurant, and we could only order one thing: spaghetti and marinara sauce. No cheese. I absolutely loved it. I can’t remember the last time I had pasta with sauce and nothing else…but it was really really enjoyable.

I felt the same way about an eggplant dish I made this month – we just put sauce on it, and it was great. It actually didn’t need the cheese to “make it.”

3. My body felt completely different this month than it has…ever.
I’m not really sure how to describe this. I just feel…differently. When I eat something processed, my body responds negatively. When I eat something “real,” my body responds positively. There is definitely a correlation between what is eaten and how I feel – I don’t think anyone is surprised by that…but what is surprising is how easily we become accustomed to “bad” food. After eating “good” food for a month, I had some fries…and felt sick for three days (including vomiting about an hour after eating them).

4. If you really explore the food industry (and there are books and/or films I can recommend to those interested), meat (and animal by-products) become far – FAR – less appealing.

I know what you’re thinking – I’ve turned into one of those liberals. But hear me out for a moment. Maybe you feel, Okay, slaughterhouses are awful places, so I won’t eat meat, but why wouldn’t I drink milk? That doesn’t harm the animals.

Actually, it does. Same cows. Same situations. And there are growth hormones riddled in cow’s milk. These cows also stand in their own manure…their entire lives. They don’t eat grass (like they are supposed to) – they eat a corn-based feed, which can seriously sicken them (hello, e.coli).

Chickens? Never see sunlight. Can’t walk.

I don’t know. The evidence is there. There is a great section in The Omnivore’s Dilemma in which Michael Pollan is sitting at a restaurant with a steak, and acknowledges that either he has to give up meat because of what he knows…or he has to admit he’s a hypocrite (or some language like that, I don’t have the book in front of me).

Do I recommend veganism for everyone? Absolutely not…not even close. I wouldn’t even recommend vegetarianism to everyone. What I do recommend is educating yourself on what you eat. Know what you’re putting into your body. There were some rules given by Pollan in The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food that I thought were pretty appropriate:

1. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup. You will be surprised if you look at labels to see what HFCS is in.

2. Buy local (Whole Foods isn’t necessarily “better”). Tomatoes in winter? Not logical.

3. Eat foods with five or less ingredients.

4. Eat foods that have ingredients you can pronounce.

5. And the overall rule of the book In Defense of Food: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Veganism for Libby

Okay, so I love veganism. I never saw this coming. Nicole thinks that this is one of my obsessions, and that I'll get over it. It may be. But it doesn't feel like an obsession.

The hardest day so far was yesterday: Super Bowl Sunday. Jen and Wyndy hosted a party, and they had a slew of delicious food, with almost nothing for our vegan-ness. Queso, summer sausage, and what I love the absolute most: buffalo wings. It was....difficult. But I restrained! Definitely tempting, but I had to tell myself (numerous times) no. Oh, buffalo wings. I miss thee.

Honestly, though, I only missed them because I saw them. I'm not craving them. And after the party, when we were driving home, I didn't feel like I weighed 500 pounds (I kept with our hummus and bean dip), which I know I would have had I eaten everything I wanted.

Today, I made some fried plantains for lunch with a touch of salt. I don't know if Nicole has ever had them, so I'll make some for her as a snack one day. I also made an avocado, tomato, and kalamata olive salad with ground flaxseeds. So. Incredibly. Delicious.

For dinner, I'm making eggplant and couscous. Hopefully, Nicole likes it -- she has NOT enjoyed vegan month at all.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I hate being Vegan. Today is the fourth day of this crap, and I am ready to slit my wrists. For those of you who don't know me let me express to you how much I LOVE Milk, always have and always will. I typically drink about two gallons of the stuff a week, ice cold skim milk....mmmmm. I haven't had any for FOUR DAYS!

I am sitting here trying to eat Rice Dream Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, which tastes as good as I imagine my dogs biscuits to taste. I want to open my fridge and pour myself a glass of milk, but currently I can drink water, or Rice Milk. Neither of which I want.

My brothers friend who so graciously went with us to the store to tell us what to get, informed us that Oreo cookies are in fact a Vegan product. I think I did a happy dance right there in Vitamin cottage. It wasn't until I went home and thought about it and realized that I couldn't dip them into a glass of milk. WHAT THE FRIG IS THE POINT?!?!? Oreo's without milk? NO WAY!!!

I miss chocolate, pancakes, eggs, CHEESE, Sour Cream, and MILK more than anything.

I do realize that I am eating better, and this is forcing me to make healthier choices, which is great, but I just want my milk back. Is that too much to ask?

One other interesting thing that I found out about is that Red Dye #40 is made from beetle shells. Vegans apparently won't eat it because of that, and I personally think that anything made from beetle shells should not be consumed, as its disgusting.

That's all of now, good night!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Quinoa Salad

Tonight's dinner:

Quinoa Salad....Mmmm

Last night, I made homemade hummus, which was okay, but not spectacular. I'll try again after we eat all of the leftovers.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Freagin' Vegan

We have begun vegan month!

Vegetarian month went well, although I don't feel like I ate any healthier than normal. It wasn't hard to eliminate meat from my "diet," but now that vegan month has started, I can see how this month is going to be very...interesting.

Mind you: it's day one.

One of Nicole's brother's friends, Lilly, took us shopping last week to Vitamin Cottage to teach us the ways of the vegan. I was surprised by how many options there are out there for vegans...although let's be honest, is there any such thing as good fake cheese? (We shall find out) Buying just about everything in the store was less expensive than we thought...and we bought a lot of stuff.

Here are some things we learned:
1. Boca is vegan; Morning Star is not necessarily.
2. Sugar is not vegan -- unprocessed cane sugar is. (Apparently they use animal bone to grind the sugar and make it white? Is that correct?)
3. They make No Chicken Noodle soup. Wow.
4. We bought a slew of food, but no tofu. Weird.
5. Vitamin Cottage is NOT nearly as expensive as Whole Foods.

Anyway, it was an interesting trip.

Over the past few weeks, I was preparing myself for the lack of cow's milk, so I tried soy (tasted almond-y to me) and coconut milk (gag)...but the winner? Rice milk. Oh my heavens, it's so delicious. Goodbye, cow's milk!

Plus, I get to drink horchata....mmmm.

But yes, rice milk has won the day. I love it in my vegan cereal (seriously. Vegan cereal!), my's amazing.

I want to see how much variety we really get this month. I'm kind of excited about it, actually.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

One Week of Pescetarianism

We're a week in, and I don't miss all. I expected to crave a steak by now, but I don't. I've been eating pretty healthily the past seven days (although today I ate a Butterfinger thanks to the snack cart during lunch).

I'm also reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, which has been mildly inspiring and incredibly interesting. Corn. It has taken over.

School has begun, as well, so I'm bringing lunch every day -- I don't have the luxury of a longer lunch this semester (sad face), but this is good in a way because it forces me to bring something from home. Money-saving and healthy.

That being said, it hasn't all been good. Nicole made dinner last night -- tofu stir-fry -- and I HATED it. I couldn't eat it. It smelled so good, but I can't even express to you the disgust I felt when I bit into it. Bless her, she tried. And, to be fair, she warned me in advance: when I walked in, she warned me that it didn't taste good.
"But it smells delicious!"
Yes, it smelled delicious...and that is where the deliciousness ended.

Vegan month is swiftly approaching. I plan on spending a lot of time and money at Whole Foods. We really have to -- what could we possibly eat at a regular grocery store?

I've been researching vegan recipes -- they seem like a good idea in theory.

But so did last night's dinner.

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Happy New Year

2009 is over, thank goodness.

Today, we began our vegetarian Maggiano's. Let me tell you how difficult it is to eat a vegetarian meal at a delicious Italian restaurant.

Let me explain something -- we ARE eating seafood, so I guess technically we're pescetarians. Or whatever they are called. For the month.

So I saw on the menu there was lobster fettucine -- no, it's not healthy, per se, but it is our New Year's lunch with Nicole's mom, so I was going to go all out.

Lobster fettucine. Mmmm.

Until I saw that the lobster is sauteed with ham. Argh!

So I went the crab cake route, which were DELICIOUS. Amazing. Sure, I couldn't get my usual chicken marsala, but crab cakes for the New Year? I'll live with that.

So day one is over. Nicole had eggplant parmigiana (which was supposed to be for dinner tomorrow, cough cough), which she said was delicious, as well. I didn't try hers -- too much of my own food to eat.

Day one. Day one. I'm hoping I enjoy this month thoroughly...because I seriously doubt I'll enjoy vegan February.