Monday, September 7, 2009

Day One

We started the evening out by making Caprese pizzas. Garlic, olive oil, mozzarella cheese, basil, tomatoes, you just can't go wrong. A little white wine, a little pepsi, some green roses on the table, and my best friend sitting across from me. Although she informed me last night, that when you are thirty, you no longer need nor have best friends, she still is mine. We ate, we talked, we laughed, it was a seemingly normal evening, however it is setting in motion our goal to fall completely and totally back in love, while doing things we both love, goals we have, and things we want the other to experience. We ended the night by baking our first batch of Martha Stewart's cupcakes. Chocolate chip, with dark chocolate icing. They are heavenly, and I invite anyone who would like to try one to stop by!
My favorite part of the experience was whipping the egg whites to form a "stiff peak". We decided to be ambitious and use a whisk for this. It took ten minutes, and vigourous stirring by both of us. It was comical.

1 comment:

  1. Too far to drive. Can I just have the recipe, please? (No, I am NOT going to use a whisk. Good for you, but I don't think so... I'm old enough to remember not having an option!)
