Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Runner chic!

We are half way through week six, which I can not believe. Last Friday we ran our longest run which was a mile and a half. Never in my life have I run even a quarter of a mile without stopping and wanting to die. It was hard, and about three fourths of the way through, I thought I was crazy for ever thinking that I could do it, but when the twenty minutes was up, I felt like I accomplished something. I'm not a very goal oriented person. I am much more of a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl, so to set out to do something, and to actually do it felt so out of character and so phenomenal. I can see the 5k out there, and while I am still nervous about completing it, I know that I can, and will, we can, and we will.

On a side note , I was looking at myself in the bathroom today, and wasn't disgusted by what I saw. I am starting to recognize my old, "fit" body which I loved, and have missed. I just feel so good!

Thank you Libby and Robert ULLEY for helping me find myself again!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on the 20 minutes..but most importantly..congratulations on liking what you see in the mirror. Keep it up, you are doing great!
